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Do we appreciate what we have in our own backyard? I pose this question because just the other day I was sitting at Departure Bay Beach, just hanging out with a couple friends, when one of them said, “just look at how amazing it is here”. It made me wonder if everyone appreciates the magnificent natural beauty of our city. Do you ever just go sit on the beach to watch the water, the birds, and the clouds; to feel the wind against your neck, just to be with the outdoors? If you haven’t, well then you must! Of course the beach is good for taking a dip in the water to cool down and to bronze our bodies, but while you’re there make sure to take in all that is around you. Ensure you are realizing how lucky we are to live where we live; in just 5-10 minutes from anywhere in Nanaimo you can be Lakeside, Oceanside or Mountainside; this is a convenience not to be taken for granted. So whether you are traveling here or live here make sure to just relax and be with the outdoors to appreciate all we have!